時事放談2020-2023/CURRENT AFFAIRS 2020-2023

The first regular job I received was a project to cut illustrations for a monthly magazine’s political, economic and current affairs commentary column. It was just around the time the Koizumi administration came to power. The order was for a monthly column on a political or economic topic, in which I would compare a number of politicians or money to something else in an easy-to-understand way, something a bit more like a caricature in a newspaper. I remember oohing and aahing over ideas every month. To my surprise, this project lasted for more than 10 years. Now it has come to an end, but as my life’s work, I have been illustrating current events in politics, economics and the world, and posting them on social networking sites. If I can make it happen one day, I would like to do a project where I upload a current affairs illustration every day. I would like to convey what is happening in Japan and the world today through easy-to-understand and enjoyable illustrations. At the end of the year, we can look back at them and talk about them with our memories. If you are interested in this project, I would be very grateful if you could commission me to do it.


