くらべるためすサイエンス100(新星出版社)/Kurabueru susu science 100 (Shinsei Shuppansha)


I was in charge of cutting illustrations for a science book. This book commemorates the 100th anniversary of Shinsei Shuppansha! This is an interesting book. You too can become unusually familiar with the number 100.
As another interesting experiment, this book uses Kaleido printing by Toyo Ink, which allows RGB printing. The ink used for printing is a bit subdued, but this book is printed with colors as vivid as the LCD screens of smartphones, tablets, and PCs, and we encourage you to pick up a copy at a bookstore to see for yourself.

▶道路の幅が100mだったら? ▶What if the road was 100 meters wide?

▶食卓の100g ▶100g at the dining table

▶草津温泉とナイアガラの滝は100秒に? ▶Kusatsu Onsen and Niagara Falls in 100 seconds?

▶100年前にタイムスリップ! ▶Time slip to 100 years ago!

▶学校の教室・体育館・校庭の100㎡ ▶100 m2 of a school classroom, gymnasium and schoolyard

▶虹とバームクーヘンの100° ▶100° of rainbow and baumkuchen